When you meet Love
(© by Stefano Spadoni)
(translation from Italian)
When you meet love, true love,
don't talk to people about it.
They would tell you that it is actually nothing,
that's similar to many other love stories,
dull, routine, the same old things.
A beginning, an end,
and in the midst, a delusion.
When you meet love, true love,
don't talk to your friends about it,
don't ask for their advice.
They would tell you
that you have gone out of your mind,
that you are living in a dream
and waking up will be painful, tomorrow.
When you meet Love, Love with a capital ‘L’,
do not talk about it even with the person you love:
that person would begin to play with you,
like the cat does with the mouse,
for the joy of watching it fleeing,
then watching it dying.
When you meet love,
love that's not right or wrong
but it's just love, nothing else,
just speak about it in your heart,
because even the moon light
can fade your love,
and just one word can shatter it.
Because when you meet love,
true love,
you are alone.
Last Will
(© by Stefano Spadoni)
(translation from Italian)
To those who did not love me
I bequeath the past
when they could have had me
but they did not want me.
To those who love me I bequeath the present
where they can have me
when they want
and as long as they want me.
For myself,
I reserve the future.
How 'bout it?
(© by Stefano Spadoni)
(translation from Italian)
How ’bout looking into each other’s eyes
for one hour?
Then discussing the meaning of life
for two?
And afterward how ’bout kissing
for three hours
without taking a single breath?
And how ’bout undressing
and then dressing again
for four hours
with the eagerness each time
of rediscovering our bodies?
And gently caressing each other,
for five hours
until our hands get tired?
How ’bout it?
How ’bout making love
for six hours
until we are all worn out and fall fast asleep
and sleeping barely
for three hours
until we start all over again?
If you count,
you realize this makes
twenty-four hours.
How ’bout spending an entire day with me?
Black Pearls
(© by Stefano Spadoni)
(translation from Italian)
Real black pearls are very rare
Actually, all other pearls that look black,
are just dirty.
Love is a language
(© by Stefano Spadoni)
(translation from Italian)
Love is a language
Where to say “I” or “you”
You use the same word.